I experienced another remarkable year in tabletop gaming. I hosted 31 RPG sessions: Mutant Year Zero (2), Swords of the Serpentine (10), Brindlewood Bay (7), Hot Springs Island (6), and Vaesen (1). Five were conducted at ÅbyCon and LinCon. I also participated as a mestizo cowboy in four sessions of Western with my companion Håkan serving as our Game Master.
This was also a prosperous year for board games: I engaged in 73 unique ones. Below are the titles which I played more than twice. Numerous games of Scout and Innovation were played during an August hiking excursion in Vindelfjällen, Västerbotten, accompanied by gaming friends. The lengthier entries on the list are Innovation, Barcelona, and First Rat. All are highly endorsed!
- Scout
- Innovation
- Barcelona
- First Rat
- Hive
- Patchwork
- Kingdomino
- Pickomino
Dear Reader, what were your most significant tabletop gaming successes of 2024?
Statistics courtesy of Boardgame Geek. And here’s my gaming recap for 2023.