With the collective renewal of a new year — and following the lethargy of the holiday season — you might be contemplating that it’s an ideal moment to recommit to productivity. No more wandering thoughts, you might proclaim, no more diversions. However, before you embark on a quest for the next best instrument for focus and efficiency, recognize that for centuries, individuals have been remarkably adept at accomplishing tasks. “A century and a half ago, if we were on farms, when the sun set, you’re finished,” remarks Alex Soojung-Kim Pang, author of Rest: Why You Get More Done When You Work Less, “or when the factory whistle signaled the end, you had to put down your tools and head home, or more likely, head to the bar.”
Today, in a digitally interconnected, always-active environment, there’s no definitive end to your day, no ceiling to what you can achieve. The pressure to perpetually deliver is amplified by an industry that benefits from scheduling applications, distraction eliminators, and sophisticated planners and notebooks.
Here’s a little secret: There isn’t one “hack” or hidden method to achieve ultimate productivity, nor is there a single way to accomplish everything. Each individual has distinct systems and strategies to complete their tasks, thus one influencer’s detailed morning routine (which is also their … profession) may work wonders for them but drain your time. Instead, specialists suggest that traditional methods are often more effective than anything promoted as a groundbreaking new solution. “Computers can’t make hard work easier, no matter how intricate their systems,” states Cal Newport, a professor at Georgetown University and author of Slow Productivity: The Lost Art of Accomplishment Without Burnout, in an email. “Some of the most efficient individuals I know utilize the most fundamental tools; for instance, a calendar and a few text documents.”
Instead of offering more “productivity hacks,” here’s a gentle reminder that you are already achieving sufficient — along with some modest reframes that won’t require you to rise at 5 am.
You don’t need anything more complicated than a to-do list
Fashionable organizational systems or routines have the peculiar capacity to consume more time than they actually save. “Any productivity framework that necessitates more effort to uphold the system than the actual work itself — toss it,” insists Sahar Yousef, a cognitive neuroscientist and faculty member at the Haas School of Business at UC Berkeley. The one timeless, low-tech approach that most individuals find effective is the reliable to-do list.
Keep an extended list of everything you need to accomplish throughout several weeks and then produce daily task lists. The crucial aspect of a functional daily to-do list, Yousef explains, is prioritizing up to three “most critical tasks” each day while utilizing brief gaps between meetings or other responsibilities to tackle a few “least critical tasks.” Draft your daily to-do list on a sticky note, whiteboard, or another visible place. Begin anew each day.
“The to-do list is on the back of a puke bag, and it’s stuffed into my purse right now.”
Do not overanalyze where to keep your to-do list. For her long-term list, Yousef is currently utilizing a disposable sick bag from a previous flight. “The to-do list is on the back of a puke bag, and it’s stuffed into my purse right now,” she states. “I pull that out each day and think, ‘Alright, this is what I must accomplish today.’ Then that gets transferred to a different list for my day and becomes my priority list.” Maintain this longer-term list for a few days or weeks and refresh when you’re about to embark on a new week or project.
Regarding the timeline of when you’ll fulfill these tasks, many individuals naturally lean towards deadlines, explains Yousef. Whether self-imposed or dictated by the nature of the work, the influence of the deadline aids workers in planning and remaining focused. “We understand that this triggers a substantial amount of dopamine in the human brain, that sense of urgency, that deadline,” she explains.
The finest productivity software is your calendar
If you desire to chart your to-do list within your day, Newport recommends utilizing your calendar to organize your work periods and meetings. Allocate time in your day to concentrate on specific projects without interruption. “Focus on one task until you hit a stopping point,” he advises. “Then check your email/Slack. After that, work on something else until you reach a stopping point.”
“If you work on too many things at the same time, you’ll create a cognitive log jam that will slow everything down.”
Organizing your day can assist in steering clear of the temptation to multitask. “Acknowledge that if you tackle too many tasks simultaneously, you’ll generate a mental traffic jam that hampers all progress,” Newport elaborates. “It may seem contradictory at first, but concentrating on fewer tasks at a time enables you to achieve more overall.”
However, don’t adhere so strictly to your schedule that you disrupt moments of deep contemplation and flow, Yousef advises. If you find yourself engrossed in a project, don’t hesitate to extend beyond the designated time you’ve established and harness your natural productivity. “You must grant yourself the leeway to seize the moment when inspiration strikes, when focus is strong, or when opportunity presents itself,” she emphasizes.
By this point, establishing professional boundaries has transformed into a widely acknowledged approach to prevent encroachment of work into personal time and to reclaim leisure. Rather than perceiving this endeavor as an individual initiative, Pang suggests we should approach the safeguarding of non-work hours as a collective effort. Ignoring emails while at the park with your children benefits not just you (enabling you to enjoy quality time without distractions) but also the individual on the other end, who will not feel compelled to reply immediately.
Everyone enjoys the benefits “if we all collaborate and unite to carve out time for others, as well as for ourselves,” Pang remarks. “It’s not just about you piecing together a timetable that allows you to take your kids to soccer practice … solely for your benefit and that of your family. Rather, it is an initiative supported by your peers and reinforced through schedules, work habits, and cultural norms in your workplace that facilitate it.” Realizing that everyone deserves leisure time empowers you to honor both others’ and your own.
If there’s one productivity tip you should remember, it’s to cease the fixation on your output entirely. The time invested in following productivity hacks on TikTok might leave you feeling worse about your personal results rather than motivating you. “It fosters the belief that you must engage in these activities,” Yousef explains, “otherwise tasks won’t get completed.” In reality, the techniques and frameworks that have propelled you this far may be all you require.
“Constant attempts to enhance yourself can be more draining than rewarding,” Pang notes. “Frequently, if we desire improved lives, greater creativity, or greater fulfillment in our professional or personal endeavors, the more prudent approach is to not exert so much effort towards achieving those goals.”