Location | Date | Laboratories | Brief Description | Rationale |
OECD/NEA Paris, France | Apr-16 | LANL LLNL ORNL SNL | Present/publish NCSP ICSBEP evaluations at the yearly ICSBEP Technical Meeting (Favorite, Harms+1, Heinrichs, Hutchinson, Keefer, Kim, Miller, Sanchez) | Present/publish NCSP ICSBEP evaluations at the yearly ICSBEP Technical Meeting. |
AWE Aldermaston, UK | May-16 | LLNL | Facilitate International Collaboration Initiatives (Heinrichs, Hickman, McAvoy) | Enables LLNL to discuss International Collaboration initiatives that need in-person meetings (e.g., identifying materials or equipment requiring transport, etc.). |
OECD/NEA Paris, France | Sep-16 | LLNL | Engage in WPNCS annual meeting (Verbeke, Scorby) | Engage in WPNCS governance and expert group meetings regarding MC methods and excursion analyses. |
Bruges, Belgium | Sep-16 | LLNL NCSU | Participate in ND2016 bi-annual meeting (Hawari, Heinrichs) | Present/publish findings from LLNL-ND1 regarding new thermal scattering laws. |
Poole, UK | May-16 | LLNL | ANSWERS Seminar (Lee, Percher) | Attend the AMEC 2015 ANSWERS Seminar centered around radiation shielding, reactor physics, and nuclear criticality safety software applications, validation & verification, and research & development. |
OECD NEA Paris, France | May-16 | RPI | Engage in WPEC annual meeting (Danon, Liu) | As Chair for US Measurements, engage in WPEC annual meeting to present NCSP/RPI nuclear data measurement endeavors (Danon). |
Bruges, Belgium | Sep-16 | RPI | Participate in ND2016 bi-annual meeting (Danon) | Participate in the WINS nuclear scattering workshop to present NCSP/RPI thermal scattering efforts addressing thermal moderator data requirements for criticality safety applications. |
Bruges, Belgium | Sep-16 | LANL | Take part in ND2016 bi-annual meeting (Talou, Hale, White) | Present/publish findings from LANL-ND1 work conducted in 2015. |
AWE Aldermaston, UK | May-16 | LANL | Facilitate International Collaboration Initiatives (Jesson) | Enables LANL to discuss International Collaboration efforts that have to occur in person (i.e., identifying materials or equipment needing transportation, etc.). |
OECD/NEA Paris, France | May-16 | LANL | Participate in WPEC annual meeting (Kahler, Conlin, White) | Will place emphasis on the CIELO Project and GND Project. CIELO related efforts encompass international evaluation of significant isotopes and criticality data testing of new cross sections that will later be included in a next-gen ENDF library. GND related tasks ensure that NCSP’s needs are satisfied by the new nuclear data format and pertain to the next-generation NJOY code, NJOY21. |
Paris, France | May-16 | LANL | Engage in the annual OECD/NEA Working Party on Nuclear Criticality Safety and various Expert Groups (Brown, Rising) | Members from NCSP Monte Carlo group at LANL & ORNL typically participate in these gatherings. Benefits include validation & verification, methods, data, etc. Forrest, in particular, serves as the founder & participant in the Expert Group for Advanced Monte Carlo Techniques. |
Vienna, Austria | TBD | LANL | IAEA Coordinated Research Project meetings on Radiation Damage and Testing/Validating a new Dosimetry Cross Section Library (Kahler OR Conlin) | (Cost is salary only as the IAEA typically covers participant transportation, accommodation, and per diem expenses) The Radiation Damage CRP is anticipated to produce enhanced/updated NJOY processing methods. The CRP focused on Dosimetry Cross Section Library is expected to generate updated data for selected ENDF/B evaluations. |
IRSN Paris, France | TBD | LANL | MCNP Criticality safety Class at IRSN (Brown, Bull) | Discussions have taken place previously, yet funding and finalization have not occurred. Such a course would be advantageous for both LANL and IRSN. |
IRMM Mol, Belgium | TBD – 3 trips | ORNL | Conduct resonance region nuclear data measurements utilizing the GELINA facility at IRMM in accordance with Appendix B of the Five-Year Plan (Guber) | Ongoing cross-section measurements and the generation of new cross-section evaluations with covariance data for the U.S. |
India | Jun-16 | ORNL | Engage in ISO Standards meeting (Bowen). | Participate in ISO Standards meeting (ISOTC85/SC5/WG8) focusing on nuclear criticality safety to guarantee US NCSP interests are represented in the global standards development and as a succession strategy for replacing Hopper’s participation (Bowen). |
IRSN Paris, France | TBD – 3 trips | ORNL | Conduct nuclear data evaluation and testing with IRSN (Pigni, Sobes) | Continues cross-section evaluation and testing work with IRSN to yield new cross-section evaluations with covariance data for the U.S. |
OECD/NEA Paris, France | May-16 | ORNL | Engage in WPEC annual meeting as Chair of ENDF Formats Committee, orchestrate international nuclear data collaborations for the NCSP, and present NCSP/ORNL nuclear data evaluation work (Dunn) | Facilitates information exchange with the global nuclear data community to enhance NCSP nuclear data evaluations and foster new partnerships to back future NCSP nuclear data evaluation work tasks. Also includes Interim NDAG Chair participation in the WPEC meeting. |
OECD/NEA Paris, France | May-16 | ORNL | Engage in WPNCS (Rearden) | Continues NCSP leadership in S/U analysis methods and encourages ongoing collaboration with global partners to evaluate and enhance NCSP S/U analysis capabilities in support of criticality safety applications. |
Bruges, Belgium | Sep-16 | ORNL | Participate in ND2016 meeting (Dunn) | Present/publish findings from ORNL-ND1 work carried out in 2015. |
Vienna, Austria | Oct-15 | ORNL | IAEA Coordinated Research Project meetings on Radiation Damage and Testing/Validating a new Dosimetry Cross Section Library (Doro) | The Radiation Damage CRP is expected to produce enhanced/updated AMPX processing methods. The CRP focused on Dosimetry Cross Section Library is anticipated to yield updated data for selected ENDF/B evaluations. |
Aix-en- Provence France | Oct-15 | ORNL | WONDER ND Scattering Meeting (Goran) | Report on the development of thermal scattering evaluation capabilities under ORNL-ND4 |