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January 8
7:00 pm
9:00 pm
The commencement of a New Year is always a time when we aim to enhance our lives or explore new ventures. This sentiment applies to photography as well. If, during the holiday season, you have acquired or received new cameras or equipment, then it’s likely you’ve resolved to utilize them or learn their functionalities. That’s where Hedon Viewfinders comes into play. We can assist you in fully appreciating your gear.
Finding joy in photography is essential. It may include lifting your camera, device, or phone, framing your shot, pressing the shutter, or striving for greater creative authority over your final image. Regardless of your objectives, relishing the experience will sustain your enthusiasm and is as vital as the outcome of your image.
Any New Year resolution aimed at being fulfilled during the year needs to foster your enjoyment and be feasible, even if it entails hard work and multiple steps or objectives to achieve. So, what are your resolutions, aspirations, and dreams for your photography in 2025? If you haven’t done so already, create a list and determine which items are significant to you. Share it with us at the Club, and throughout the year we will strive to incorporate your objectives into our activities and meetings.
Some of my aspirations include:
- Engage more in abstract photography. Welcome experimentation, and don’t fret about perfection. Embrace the unexpected – seek out the unique.
- Explore more monochrome photography: Configure the camera to black & white or utilize B&W film.
- Capture more on film.
- Discover more new locations for photography.
- Visit and photograph additional waterfalls.
- Identify suitable spots to attempt astrophotography.
- At least four landscape photography excursions! I find landscape photography challenging due to limited transport and access to locations… but I will make special efforts this year.
No matter what your photography objectives or ‘to-do’ list for 2025 is, collaborating with a group of fellow enthusiasts can only enhance the experience.
Learning photography is often referred to as a journey – Hedon Viewfinders can assist you in embarking on that adventure – and beyond. And it’s all at no cost, we’re welcoming – and we strive to keep it enjoyable! Eagerly anticipating seeing you at the Club!
Our inaugural meeting of the year takes place on Wednesday, January 8, at 7pm at the Haven Arms, Havenside, Hedon HU12 8HH.
Ray Duffill
Hedon Viewfinders: Key Dates.

Free, enjoyable, and welcoming club! All are invited! Just show up!
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