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Nearly nine out of ten adults in the UK (87%) believe that having access to nature is essential for their physical and mental wellbeing, according to a study by Aviva.
Encouragingly, 85% of individuals surveyed reported having access to ‘green’ areas, like parks and forests, within their local vicinity. Residents of the South East of England are the most likely to confirm this (93%), as opposed to those in the West Midlands, where it stands at the lowest (79%).
The investigation, involving 2,000 UK adults, was carried out as part of Aviva’s third annual Climate-Ready Index, which explores the perspectives of UK inhabitants towards nature and biodiversity, as well as their efforts to aid wildlife in their communities.
The Aviva research also indicates that 84% of UK adults are already engaging in activities to benefit nature. Over half (54%) mentioned enhancing natural habitats in their gardens through actions like planting trees or hedges, or creating a pond. Moreover, more than two-thirds (68%) of adults in the UK are reducing their chemical and pesticide usage, while a quarter (25%) participate in community projects, such as litter collection or local conservation efforts.
There is significant evidence indicating that individuals feel a duty to care for their environment, with 92% expressing a responsibility to protect nature. The survey reflects that nearly four-fifths (78%) of UK adults assert that individuals should contribute to managing and enhancing nature within their locality, while 65% believe local community organizations should be involved.
Nevertheless, half of the respondents (50%) feel that nature and biodiversity are deteriorating within their community.
We are dedicated to assisting the UK in preparing for the future by supporting initiatives that conserve and rejuvenate nature, ensuring that forthcoming generations can enjoy a prosperous natural environment.
Claudine Blamey, Chief Sustainability Officer at Aviva, states: “At Aviva, we are delighted to see how much individuals appreciate nature for their wellbeing. Our Climate-Ready Index reveals that many UK adults are proactively taking measures to foster biodiversity and enhance their local surroundings.
“It’s remarkable to witness such a pronounced sense of duty and communal spirit. However, the reduction of local biodiversity clearly indicates there is much more work to be done. We are devoted to supporting the UK in preparing for the future by endorsing efforts that safeguard and restore nature, enabling future generations to relish a flourishing natural world.”
Statistics are derived from a YouGov survey regarding consumer perspectives on nature adaptation with a nationally representative sample of 2,031 adults aged 18 and over. Research was conducted online from September 13 to 16, 2024, in the UK.
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