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Luke Guillette, from Estero High School, secured first place last year with his piece titled “Swamp Puppy.”
The closing date for the 12th annual “Ding” Darling-Theodore Cross High School Photography Contest is January 15.
This contest invites high school scholars from Lee, Collier, Charlotte, Glades, and Hendry counties to vie for awards such as a Canon digital SLR camera package, a one-year subscription to photography software, and an annual entry pass to the J.N. “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge located on Sanibel.
The contest’s namesake, Cross, who resided part-time on Sanibel, participated in a march with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.; provided counsel to the Johnson and Nixon administrations regarding anti-poverty initiatives; authored the significant book “Black Capitalism,” among other works; played a crucial role in President Barack Obama’s campaign; and founded Birders United — a birding platform that evaluated lawmakers based on their support for bird protection.
In his later years, Cross chose to embrace his passion for birds and photography, traveling globally to gather breathtaking portraits and narratives chronicling his journeys. He frequently photographed at the refuge in Sanibel, and many of the images in his book, “Waterbirds,” showcase his admiration for the refuge. The photographic volume was published in 2009 when Cross was 85 years old, and he passed away shortly thereafter in 2010.
Digital image submissions can be taken from any outdoor locale in Florida. An essay component requires participants in grades 9-12 to provide a 100-word narrative detailing the “moment” captured and its significance in relation to what nature and wildlife represent to the photographer.
The submission terms and criteria are as follows:
Entries and details should be sent in digital format to [email protected]. Please include your complete name, high school, grade, and an original photograph you captured of nature and/or wildlife outdoors. Add a title for the image and a written account (minimum of 100 words) describing the “moment” seized and how it illustrates what nature and wildlife symbolize to you. You and your entry are required to meet the following stipulations:
– Students enrolled in schools across Lee, Collier, Hendry, Glades, and Charlotte (Florida) counties in grades 9 through 12 are eligible to participate.
– Only digital photographs will be accepted and can be taken with any type of camera, including smartphones.
– Images must be provided in JPEG/JPG format and should have a dimension of at least 2000-by-1500 pixels or a resolution of 2 megabytes.
– The photograph must depict nature and/or wildlife captured in the open outdoors within Florida, encompassing parks, refuges, backyards, and other open areas.
– Panoramic images are prohibited.
– Filters, cropping, adjustments, and borders are allowed. Nevertheless, the addition of any elements not present in the original scene will not be permitted. Judges will reserve the right to disqualify any images that seem to be altered beyond these guidelines.
– Each contestant may submit up to two photographs but is eligible for only one accolade.
– Judging will be conducted anonymously. Please ensure your name or any identifying details are not visible on your photograph.
– The panel will consist of three judges: a refuge staff member, a professional photographer, and a local resident from the five-county area.
– Judging criteria will include technical proficiency (sharpness, light, composition, exposure); inventiveness; and the narrative of the photograph (minimum of 100 words).
– All submitted images will become the property of the DDWS. The society may utilize these photographs in any manner with suitable attribution.
For guidelines and award information, please visit
For further inquiries, please contact the “Ding” Darling Wildlife Society-Friends of the Refuge (DDWS) at 440-452-9083.
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