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Grandchildren bring happiness, a fresh perspective on existence, and if you are Nancy Gilbert, they also supply motivation for delightful children’s literature. Nancy has been sharing engaging tales for several years, starting when her own offspring were small. She quickly came to realize that when her kids were little and would awaken at night due to nightmares, snuggling with mom while hearing an amusing story she would concoct on the spot diminished their fears, enabling them to fall back asleep quicker. Now that her children are in their 30s, she has kept the tradition of storytelling alive with the younger generation.
Recently, she released her debut children’s book, “Silly Bear Stays Home,” which stemmed from a story featuring her grandson, Russell, and began as a playful car game they enjoyed during trips to and from daycare.

Photo courtesey Nancy Gilbert
Published author, Nancy Gilbert of Cut Bank, poses with Silly Bear, the lead character of her children’s narrative, ‘Silly Bear Stays Home.’ The book is available at Marketplace on Main in Cut Bank or on Amazon.
“When my grandson, Russell, was younger, his mother would call using speakerphone, and I would talk with them as she drove to daycare,” Nancy recounted. “One day, he was upset because he had to leave his stuffed animal friend, Bear, home alone while he attended daycare. I suggested we use our imaginations to ‘peek’ in and see all the things Bear might attempt to do while he was home alone. I began by saying, ‘Bear, you can’t take a bath. Silly bear.’ My grandson laughed and retorted, ‘Silly Bear!’ Before long, he started suggesting ideas about what he thought Bear might be doing while home alone, and I would respond, ‘Silly Bear!’ This is how our game of Silly Bear originated.”
Nancy mentioned that this tradition carried on with his siblings, Grant and Drew, as well. She took photographs of Bear engaged in various silly antics and compiled them into a book for her grandsons.
Nancy had aspired to write children’s stories since her own kids were young, but it was “Silly Bear” that transformed that aspiration into reality. Like realizing any dream, there were obstacles. Maintaining the discipline to sit down and concentrate on writing was one of those challenges.
“My creativity comes and goes, so when I feel inspired, I simply need to be more proactive about capitalizing on that feeling and focus on my book instead of sewing or other hobbies I enjoy,” Nancy expressed. “That’s the reason I have an unfinished book that I started during 2020.”
The incomplete book is an illustrated story Nancy began during Covid, one she hopes to find the encouragement to complete and publish as well. Until then, “Silly Bear Stays Home” has been released and became available on Amazon on Nov. 14, 2024. That journey presented challenges too, mainly due to a widespread issue many face online—scammers.
“I had heard about Kindle Direct Publishing, which sounded promising,” Nancy shared. “However, I suspect my conversation was compromised, and the individuals I was working with were not associated with Kindle Direct, despite claiming they were. I paid a fee for them to assist me in publishing my book, which they did. But I later discovered that I shouldn’t have been charged that much to work with Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). Thankfully, I realized they were not trustworthy. It appears the significant scam was that they told me I would have to invest thousands of dollars to promote my book and allocate copies to major bookstores.”
Nancy conducted some sleuthing herself, reaching out to one of the bookstores to inquire if they genuinely wanted 500 copies of her book, which she had to purchase upfront.
“He mentioned they don’t even receive 500 copies of Stephen King’s books,” Nancy recounted. “It is undoubtedly a scam. Consequently, I ceased all communication with my ‘publisher’ and his associate.”
While she doesn’t intend to diminish the thrill of having her book published, Nancy felt compelled to share this information so that other aspiring authors can be cautious and avoid similar predicaments. She considers herself fortunate to only have lost hundreds of dollars instead of thousands, and in the end, her book is published!
“From what I understand, you can access Kindle Direct Publishing directly through Amazon to create your self-published book,” Nancy mentioned. “There is no need to go through a middleman to utilize KDP. I will soon experience how the process truly functions because a second Silly Bear installment is already in progress. KDP is advantageous in that I am not obligated to pay for hundreds of books to be printed unless I choose to. People can visit the Amazon site, search for ‘Silly Bear Stays Home’, and order a copy; Amazon prints them as needed.”
Although her grandson inspired “Silly Bear Stays Home,” Nancy has an abundance of ideas for future books. She attributes her inspirations to “divine creativity; a thought suddenly occurs, and I dive into it.”
While a second Silly Bear story is in development, Nancy is actively promoting “Silly Bear Stays Home” through book tours at local schools and libraries in Cut Bank and surrounding areas. Self-promotion remains one of the more challenging aspects of self-publishing, as thousands of books are available on Amazon, and it is not a guarantee that one will be seen at the top of the list.
“I’m sure my friends are tired of seeing all of my posts on Facebook and Instagram,” Nancy remarked with a grin.
Discipline, commitment, and a determination to persevere played a significant role in realizing Nancy’s dream of becoming a published children’s book author. If you are on the lookout for a delightful tale to share with your kids or grandkids, “Silly Bear Stays Home” is undoubtedly one to include in your collection. Visit Marketplace On Main in Cut Bank or head over to Amazon to grab a copy. It’s destined to be a cherished addition, as really, who can resist a Silly Bear?!
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