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The year 2024 has ushered in significant, possibly irreversible transformations within the gaming industry. The games media realm, which has engaged my services for over ten years, has encountered challenges unlike any I have previously encountered.
One simply couldn’t navigate the industry without the impact of layoffs, studio closures, site shutdowns, and game cancellations affecting their mentality or gaming interests. Although I recognize that I have engaged in fewer games in 2024 than I can recall, I still derived enjoyment from several titles and intend to spotlight a few of my favorites here.
You are likely familiar with the VG247 format by now, but if this happens to be the only GOTY article you are reading from this site (or your first one?), I will discuss three games that I regard as the highlights of 2024. Only one of these can be declared the Game of the Year, regardless of its significance.
No Rest for the Wicked

I am genuinely quite astonished that there hasn’t been much discussion regarding No Rest for the Wicked in year-end conversations. It hasn’t received any nominations from Keighley’s, and it almost feels as though many are unaware of its existence. Considering its studio background alone, that is certainly surprising.
No Rest for the Wicked is the latest release from the Ori games’ Moon Studios, and it is undoubtedly the team’s most ambitious venture to date. This game experiments with various genres and successfully integrates each into the framework of its world. It combines ARPG mechanics, isometric action with Soulslike features, light town management sim, crafting/survival elements, and it even incorporates a loot aspect. Miraculously, it also presents some of the most engaging character development seen in 2024.
Despite having made improvements since launch, the early version had a disjointed array of concepts, many of which struggled to blend well in the (certainly challenging) genre mix Moon is attempting. As this title is an early access release, some inconsistency was to be anticipated. But regardless of the less successful ideas, you approach No Rest for the Wicked to indulge in its beautifully bleak visuals, experience one of the most gratifying combat systems in any game, and immerse yourself in the activities of your hamlet’s residents between forays into dungeons.
No Rest for the Wicked is a challenging game to succinctly pitch to another person, no matter the length of the elevator ride. If you haven’t come across it much, it’s best to dive in unaware, as you’ll be surprised by its intricacy and clever fusion of genres. However, I can assure you, it’s likely not what you assume it to be.
Dragon’s Dogma 2

If I were to adopt the persona of an ostentatious gaming media critic, I would likely proclaim that the atmosphere Dragon’s Dogma 2 aims to capture, above everything else, mirrors the inexplicable frustrations of the real world. I have previously expressed that one of its most appealing aspects is its indifference towards crafting a “video game-y” experience in the conventional sense – so you could say I’ve made that statement already!
Dragon’s Dogma 2 is not a title that plans to accommodate you halfway. It is a game intent on providing a precise type of challenging experience, both in its demanding combat and the plethora of secretive content concealed within its world. It is eager to discard many traditional gaming norms in pursuit of a truly specific encounter.
If you played the original installment, you’ll find the sequel to be nearly indistinguishable from the first game. In fact, the ‘2’ in the title doesn’t surface until you enter the post-game phase. This almost suggests that Capcom acknowledges there may be nowhere else to explore, no additional boundaries to push. I wish that other releases from 2024 – along with real-life challenges – hadn’t distracted me, yet I will always treasure the emotions it evoked while I played and long after my encounters with formidable foes to gradually whittle down their immense health bars.
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2

In a year marked by layoffs and unprecedented insecurity concerning employment, is it any surprise that a straightforward game from a past era is what resonated most with me in 2024? Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 is truly a straightforward game whose entire
schtick can be encapsulated in a single statement, and all who read it would instantly grasp the type of experience that awaits them. It has been referred to as the finest Xbox 360 title of 2024 for a good reason.
Space Marine 2 is clearly more than a forgotten artifact from the past; it’s a self-assured, remarkably proficient game that doesn’t overpromise but fulfills its concept as frequently as you might expect and desire. There exists a truly impressive equilibrium between traditional shooting and melee fighting. It’s executed so effectively, in fact, that one might question whether more titles should emulate it. The campaign is brief enough that, during an initial playthrough, you might not always catch any of its flaws. There’s just adequate flair and production quality to keep you engaged. Multiplayer captures the essence of all those neglected multiplayer modes from the myriad Xbox 360 games that didn’t necessitate them, yet included them nonetheless. And co-op, well, it provides a fairly intriguing incentive to delve into an aspect of the storyline that the main campaign overlooks.
Nonetheless, similar to many titles from that period, there are numerous aspects to critique here as well. The narrative is entirely earnest and shows little interest in questioning the fascist foundations of its fiction. In fact, anyone unfamiliar with the source material would understandably perceive Space Marines as the protagonists of this tale, owing to their representation. Even aside from its narrative issues, Space Marine 2’s gameplay sequences often play it safe, lacking substantial encounter design or mechanical creativity. There’s adequate variety, but still, one wishes it had just a touch more.
While this consistency aligns with its identity as an “old” game, it leaves ample opportunity for creativity. More than anything, it heightens my anticipation for the unavoidable sequel. Just envision all the development! I sincerely hope it doesn’t take 13 years to be released!
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