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One five-hundredth of a second, a moment in time that will never recur, generously shared by the Dixon Triplets during a walk, at the conclusion of storm Bert. It serves as a reminder of how brief and transitory the tiny instances that we, as professional press photographers, dedicate our lives to uncovering really are. We continuously place ourselves, with hope, in the perfect position at the right time, awaiting the elusive, pivotal moment.
On this particular instance, the triplets simplify my task. However, it’s not always that way; there are challenging assignments, where remarkable individuals are courageous enough to share their experiences of serious cancer diagnoses or tragic deaths, or funerals stemming from the most heartrending circumstances. It’s our responsibility to convey that to you, the audience, in a manner that breaks through the digital clutter, captures your attention, and informs you. We strive to absorb intricate issues or stories and condense them to just one image, THE Image, that’s our role! That’s what we do.
“Light and background, get that right and you’re simply looking for the moment.” I attempt to encapsulate 36 years of professional photography to eager camera club participants at some of the lengthy talks, ironically a result of winning the AIB Press Photographers Ireland annual photography competition over the past year. Standing before an audience and speaking, the stuff of nightmares for many, yet when it comes to photography, as a typically reserved individual, I astonish myself with my ability to ramble. I acknowledge that we photographers are peculiar beings. We perceive the world in soft light and harsh light and varying colour temperatures. What’s that I hear you ask? The light on a summer evening when images of individuals seem to illuminate and appear magical.
I contemplate a year where photographers, far braver than I, have faced danger and some have lost their lives, to deliver to you the unfiltered truth of events in this world. Don’t take for granted what we possess, a free press, choices, freedom of expression, moments of wonder.
Photograph: Alan Betson / The Irish Times

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