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Organizer: Society for Neuroscience (SfN)
Event venue: San Diego, United States
Event dates: 15-29 November 2025
Event webpage: Link
Please be aware that there are numerous funding opportunities which you may find detailed below.
IBRO/SfN Travel Grants
- Application window: 1 May – 4 June 2025
- Maximum grant value: 2500 USD
Eligibility criteria
- PhD students in neuroscience and early-stage postdoctoral researchers (within 5 years from the start of the postdoctoral position) are qualified to apply for this program.
- Applicants must be the primary authors of the abstracts they submit.
- Only applicants residing in one of the Asia-Pacific, Africa, Latin America, or Pan-Europe regions are qualified to apply for this program.
International Society Member (ISM) slots
- Application window: 1 May – 4 June 2025
Facilitated by the Society for Neuroscience (SfN), the ISM slots provide international opportunities for scientists who are not members of SfN to submit abstracts for Neuroscience 2025 (SfN’s annual conference) and register at the SfN member rate. The primary goal of this program is to support those with limited resources in attending the meeting and promote greater participation from under-resourced nations.
IBRO works alongside its regional committees and global associates such as the IBRO Latin America Regional Committee (IBRO-LARC) and FALAN for slots in Latin America and the Caribbean, the IBRO Asia Pacific Regional Committee (IBRO-APRC) and FAONS for slots in Asia-Pacific, and the IBRO Africa Regional Committee (IBRO-ARC) and SONA for slots in Africa, to raise awareness and effectively disseminate this opportunity.
Please be informed that a restricted number of codes are available, which will be granted on a first-come, first-served basis.
Eligibility criteria
- Master’s and PhD students, as well as postdoctoral researchers from Africa, Asia-Pacific, and Latin America (including Caribbean countries), are eligible to apply. Preference will be provided to individuals from Category I, II, and III nations as identified by the World Bank.
- Applicants from the Pan-Europe region should submit their applications through this call for applications managed by the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS).
- If you are currently an SfN member, you ARE NOT eligible to utilize an ISM abstract slot.
IBRO/FUN Travel Awards
- Application window: TBD
- Maximum grant value: 1000 USD
The Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience offers travel awards to assist undergraduate neuroscientists in showcasing their research at the annual Society for Neuroscience conference. A portion of these grants is funded by the IBRO US/Canada Regional Committee.
Eligibility criteria
Faculty Sponsors must hold full membership with FUN to submit travel award applications for their students attending the SfN conference to help facilitate their participation. The student must be included as an author on the abstract and present findings from research conducted during their undergraduate studies. It is not mandatory for the student to be enrolled as an undergraduate at the time of the SfN fall meeting. Students qualify if the work was completed prior to their graduation during the preceding academic year. However, students who have previously received a FUN travel award are ineligible to reapply.
Applicants from anywhere globally are invited to apply for this program. As a program supporter, the IBRO US/Canada Regional Committee specifically backs applicants from the US/Canada region.
If you have any inquiries regarding the application procedure, please reach out to Jackie Rose at [email protected].
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